Friday, June 11, 2010

When You're Having This Much Fun, TIME SOARS (or) We Are Almost 2 YEARS OLD!!

Dear Friends:
I know, I know...I missed a week.

Well, I was really busy buying wonderful new jewelry, LOTS of great clothing, ordering zebra gift boxes, visiting with family, learning new software, watering the flowers, tomatoes & avocado plants in front of our charming little shoppe, taking my visiting sister-in-law to see Cape May, and also, I got a little...(how should I put this?)...lazy... Ah well...

I was also planning our 2nd BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! Yes, July will be TWO YEARS that we are here in Union City!! You will all be invited to celebrate with us (an ArtsEcho zebra pinata...with Hershey's kisses perhaps?) and any other good ideas that we can steal (I mean appropriate). Here's what a quick Google (a quoogle) turned up:

The Swedes are are served breakfast in bed on their birthdays. (We don't have a bed here...cake on the pink couch?) In Scotland, kids get a smack on the bottom from everyone at the party for each year. In the Niger Republic, there are huge birthday parties hundreds of guests and everyone eats rice mixed with tomatoes, red peppers, onions and cassava.

China is big on symbolism so extra long noodles for long life are served. Malaysians get small red packets filled with money (that sounds good) ...better than in Nepal where a rice/yogurt mixture is smeared on the forehead for good luck. The Vietnamese celebrate birthdays in the Kentucky Derby fashion...everyone's birthday is on New Year's Day. The Germans light birthday candles in the morning and keep them lit all day long while the Irish lift the poor kid up in the air, turn them upside down and bump their head on the floor. In Argentina they pull on the earlobes for each year, and in Ecuador guests receive recordatorio which loosely translates into "goody bags".

But my all time favorite so far: in Nova Scotia, (where our Zoe hails from), the birthday kid is ambushed and his or her nose is rubbed in grease for good luck. Now THAT's what I call a fun birthday celebration!

Don't worry...we won't be greasing anyone's nose here (I'll make Zoe promise to restrain herself)...but we will have lots of fun. Actually, we always have fun here...seriously.

Don't miss the FABULOUS article by Lana Rose Diaz in the Hudson Reporter this week about our Sustainable Fashion show with lots and lots of great photos. It'll shortly be online as well at the Hudson Reporter.
Warm regards,
Sandra and the friendly, fun-loving, hard-working ArtsEcho Galleria team, Zoe, Liana, Yara, Ben, Claude, Lina, Shanella & Laura.
PS: If you're in Jersey City tomorrow, look for us in Hamilton Park at the 25th Anniversary Festival!
PPS: We're at 3809 Park Ave in Union City right across from the Pathmark Parking lot (between 38th and 39th).
PPPS: Guy on an antique, hand painted wooden Chinese horse:

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