Friday, March 19, 2010

ArtsEcho Galleria Reaches Out to the World! Well, to the eBay world...

Dear Friends:

We have enjoyed seeing so many of you here (buying beautiful things of course) during the past week. I can imagine the conversation: "The weather is so gorgeous, let's take a walk! - Where should we go? - Let's go to ArtsEcho! They're having a sale!!" That's a (hopefully) cute (and somewhat sneaky) reminder that something wonderful is always on sale here at ArtsEcho Galleria. Tomorrow (and every Saturday) there is 30% off our wonderful bags and accessories.

And speaking of Saturday and gorgeous weather, last Saturday night when the weather was truly HORRIBLE(!!!!) with umbrellas blowing inside out and trees falling and wind whipping and geese-a-laying (ooops, wrong month) we had more than 75 intrepid souls here for a phenomenal concert and art exhibit! It was such fun. Brazilian artist Duda (the amazing) Penteado read a lovely poem he wrote for the occasion and then was gracious enough to translate for Renan and Bruno. They played spectacularly on cavaquinho and guitar and sang songs of Old Rio that made you long for samba on the beach even if you've never been closer to Rio than Atlantic City. Renan even demonstrated some traditional samba dance steps and then some of the audience joined in the dancing (and we all joined in the partying). What a night!


We keep finding more and more lovely things for our charming little shop and, since we have no storage room to speak of (or not to speak of since there isn't any), we are running out of room and finally putting some lovely vintage clothes on our new online eBay store. Here are some of the great photos that Zoe took this week:

That's a pleated, black, see-through Yves St. Laurent vintage cocktail dress (creme de menthe, anyone?) next to a blue wool mini-dress (probably an ice-skating costume) from the 60s, next to a cute frilly top, next to a Paul & Joe Made in France criss-cross knit top, next to a dusky rose vintage tea-length afternoon dress. They are all "styled" with lovely ArtsEcho accessories (on sale tomorrow!) and jewelry (BUY-ONE-GET-ONE-HALF-OFF every Tuesday). Isn't it great how that bright green necklace brings the brown and beige sweater to life?

It's fun working here at ArtsEcho (did I say working?) Just this afternoon alone, there were four wonderful artists who dropped by to say hello and brainstorm artistic ideas...Margaret Steele, magician extraordinaire; photographer Dexter Lane, of the spectacular panoramas; watercolor painter Ben Roman with two beautiful new portraits; and Teddy Schapiro, whose work is proudly hanging in the front of the Galleria. So many people have commented on the innate humor in Teddy's highly personal pen & ink drawings that we have decided to adorn our new "ArtsEcho Galleria" T-shirts (and eco-friendly bags) with some of Teddy's soon-to-be-iconic images (including one of Einstein taking a bath that Teddy created for our Einstein wall).

Hope you all have a great weekend. Come visit!

Warm regards,
Sandra and the fearless and heroic ArtsEcho Galleria team, Zoe, Crystal, Ben, Karina, Arianna and Lina.

PS: We are, as always, at 3809 Park Ave across from that huge parking lot. Our phone is 201-617-1110.

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