Dear Friends:
I'm here in our little sweet shop on a lovely, bright, sunny (and cold!) end-of-January day. The Beatles are singing "Strawberry Fields" to us and several of our regular customers are perusing the new clothing and jewelry, hopefully to wear to great parties over the weekend.
And speaking of parties...well, some backstory first:
At the Art Vivo! exhibition that we were honored to curate at the Brennan County Court House in JC, we displayed a few items of our spectacular ArtsEcho Galleria jewelry in antique display cases together with 2000 year old Roman coins, 12th century native arrowheads, Appalachian dulcimers, handmade silk quilts, and other things that make us...well, ArtsEcho Galleria! When we went to take down the exhibit (which took 2 hours as opposed to the 18 that it took to mount it)...there were several women waiting for us...they wanted to purchase our unique, "I've-never-seen-anything-like-it-before" jewelry.
This gave us (lightbulb going off over the head time) a great idea. We are going to start "ArtsEcho Galleria Art & Accessories" home/company/fundraising parties!
Since so many of you have told us about friends who would love our shop, our wares and our ARTWORK, but live too far (like Bergen County or NYC or Massachusetts) to come here, we have decided that we will go out to the world! And not just with our gorgeous jewelry, scarves, bags, etc, but also with a few wonderful pieces of art so that lots of people get to see (and perhaps even purchase) the amazing artwork that we proudly display here (all by incredible NJ artists).
There are several companies that do this kind of thing with jewelry (did you think I was smart enough to innovate a truly great idea out of thin air??) but they are "for profit" companies and their "bottom lines" are filled with $$$$$ dollar signs (they are also VERY expensive). We are a non-profit arts organization and our bottom line is promoting and presenting superb art and music in an intimate setting for a wonderful community! (Well, we do have to pay for our lovely items, rent, bills & (our very modest) salaries...we also pay performers & take no commission when we sell artwork...that's our mission.)
We're still working out the details, but part of the proceeds will go to the host(ess) or company who hosts a party who can then decide to keep their share of the moolah or donate it to their favorite charity.
Whaddaya think? Good idea?
Have a great weekend,
Warm (as in keep warm) regards,
Sandra and the amiable, avid, attractive, & appealing ArtsEcho Galleria team, Karina, Arianna, Crystal, Ben and Lina.
PS: Thanks for the GREAT RESPONSE to the little Monday Sales email...I will keep them coming so you all know everything that's going on here...
PPS: And remember, Mondays are 20% off your entire purchase!!
PPPS: We're here (yessss!!!) M-W 11-7, Th-F 11-8, Sat 10-6 and we're at 3809 Park Avenue, Union City, across from the Weehawken Pathmark parking lot and you can call to say hi at 201-617-1110.
PPPPS: Please PLEASE forward this email to any of your friends who would love our shop and get them to sign up for these emails! You know best who they are!!!
PPPPPS: Ladies, leave this email sitting around so that your guy will buy you a great piece of jewelry at ArtsEcho Galleria for VALENTINE'S DAY!
PPPPPPPS: Enough is enough...